Raves (Testimonials)
JJ’s Swim & Fitness

A new way to fitness




Stephanie Barksdale:   I have struggled in the ocean for over 7 years fearing its power yet being mesmerized by its beauty....more 

Wyatt Waro:  Aloha JJ, I just wanted to say "MAHALO!" for all your help and support over this past year.  I'm happy to tell you that I also finished the Roughwater on Monday. ...more

Francean McClaine: Holy twinkees JJ...your swim classes have been a big deal for me. I get to meet people and have a good time. I love that you developed a technique that I use all the time. I call it the “rear splashdown”. It allows a handicapped person to enter the water safely and easily.

Cynthia Oshiro:  Dec 22, 2007, Merry Christmas JJ !   Thanks for teaching us not only about swimming, but also about life!



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