JJ’s Swim & Fitness

A new way to fitness

Dry - Land  Drills

Core strength, through land-based exercises, is vital to “smart” swimming. Increasing strength this way will increase efficiency and make swimming worthwhile and enjoyable.

As in other forms of exercise, the body needs to be warmed up and stretched before entering the water . This can be accomplished with a brief run down the beach,  followed by some core builders and stretches.  1. The run should be an easy jog until the onset of  moderate to heavy breathing. 2. Then at least 10 reps of “strict form” pushups are done with either knees down or knees up, knees up if you are stronger. (see photos at left)  3. Crunches, at least 25 reps, are a good way to toughen up those mid section muscles and any variation with bent knees is recommended.  4. Don’t forget “The Plank”  which is the staple of all core exercises. This position, elbows and hands forming a tripod on the sand while body is rigid and straight, should be held for a minimum of 30 seconds without squirming or moving. Lastly  5. one stretch sitting Japanese style for one minute and  6. one stretch with body down and legs up with toes moving in little circles should be adequate for most swimmers for lower body limbering and flexibility.

Please attend my class to learn the correct form for all these exercises and even add on a few of your own when time allows. We will practice these exercises then combine them with swim drills to swim the freestyle easily and confidently. Go to the page “This Weekend” to find a schedule that suits you.

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